Sunday, February 9, 2014


I know we all want it. The old normal isn't quite up to par any longer. The pain and illness, along with less, lack and loss, the fooling, the hiding, the judgements can all disappear now please.  We are very clever most of the time. Although truth is, there is some tom-foolery going on. Being offered full disclosure now is the only solution. I want to see the man behind the curtain, don't you? Fully exposed.  Pinochio was a puppet for awhile, then he became a REAL BOY! I know we can do that too, I see real people doing real things, eating real food, taking real good care of themselves and their neighbors in the NEW NORMAL. Cut the strings that tangle you up with the negative. Start a new dance on your own two feet, no blame, no guilt or shame, just you dancing your way to the New Normal. A place where community, love and laughter rule, and everyone is welcome and has a job to do. This is my wish for our world and my wishes always come true!

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