Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Point is.......

Is there a point to your words? A conclusion of some sort? A solution? Is your point supporting you with love and respect  and all that you desire now? You are the point, YOU are the receiver of your own ideas and words. What you say is pointed only at YOU. I said I wanted to be married.   I was saying that to ME! That was the point. No one else needed to hear that although I said it out loud.  No one else needed to respond because the point was, it was my point, and I became ready to receive. I needed to hear myself say that after years of not being able to. Do you get my point? Point good stuff at yourself, what points are willing to receive now and what points still sting?  Listen to the points you make, ask someone to tell you what you just said, you will learn a lot about living with the points you have made, and making changes in those points that you no longer want poking you.

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