Saturday, February 22, 2014

saying good bye

Our world is saying good bye now. On so many levels and in so many ways, the old way giving way to the new ways. I have been identified over and over as a New Ager, and for years that moniker was not meant as complimentary. People fear what they do not understand. Jesus told me that one day when we were chatting. He said, they feared me too, move on and don't give it any energy, you have a job to do and we got this!! We must say good bye to the old age. The lack, the loss, the addictions, the manipulation by the church, the wealthy, the politicians must disappear now. It is a new day in a new age, it was promised and it is HERE now. I have been embodying it since 1987 and you are being invited to do the same. Ascension or Armageddon you are at the place to choose. The end for some is now, and today I say goodbye to an old and wonderful friend. The day for me is filled with light, love and unlimited potential, and that is what the new age offers. If you aren't sure ask Jesus, he is the one who told us all about it in the first place!!

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