Sunday, February 2, 2014

Saying YES now

I hear it again and again, no, or I can't, I won't, I don't..... however, the Universe hears only the can's. the will's and the do's. The negatives are not registered by anyone BUT YOU! A flat out NO, is the only way to stop something. I have had to learn that word and use it for my highest good and set boundaries for me so that I remain  healthy, nourished and protected, and in love with my life.  I do know that  the better choice for me is the YES! Yes I can, will and do. I try to stay in the yes part of my life almost all the time. Yes to good healthy food, good friends, good job and good fun. Good and yes go hand and hand, then add in funny and sing some and there is a grand slam! For me, that is the best news of all, yes is just so much easier, and so much more fun. Try it on for size, say yes to something that you would have said no to. Try a new restaurant, or sport, a new food, or activity, something that stretches you and pulls you in to a new adventure. Say yes to people, especially those you would have NO'd. I know you are fully aware that we are all the same and giving us a chance my be the best YES you ever said!  YES, I am saying yes, to ME and MY life and it feels good!

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