Sunday, September 9, 2012

Settling in for the 12-12-12

The 9-9-2-12 marks the spot that triggers the final days of these triple date activations. Thinking back on them I found their impact awesome. I have changed in so many ways and funny, ended up exactly as I started, My friend told me the other day that I was the same as he remembered me 35 years ago, wow, what a relief! I felt sometimes lost or tormented or frustrated and that that had diminished me somehow. I got tired and sad and then I got angry and screamed, but in the final assessment - I am still me. My girls tell me that is their favorite part, me being just me. We try to fit and squeeze into a vision of what we could or should try but the what comes natural is the real deal and the one you will love the most and have the most success with. I changed my name several times and actually looking back that was silly, but trying to root here we like a name that has connection. Family is our connection and rooting is a part of being human. I as the hawk, would almost always rather fly than root, but I am learning how now to do both. Take the day to see YOU, write down all the YOU stuff you love and then use THE YOU to manifest More of the Real YOU now. We need us as individuals to make up the chorus we have come to be here. Sing your OWN note and I will sing mine - then in perfect harmony we will create with love - all we need for peace and prosperity for everyone.

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