Friday, September 14, 2012

Cooperatives for unified buying

Would you join one for your health care needs. I would. For a long time I have stayed out of main stream medicine because of the way it makes me feel. My whole life it made me feel worried and drugs always made me sicker. It felt cold and uncaring and the waiting was never ending and the news always led to something worse. It was surreal. I felt like it was contrived. Like they would simply make something else up to keep me in the loop. I found out later that that was true. It is a sales arena of massive proportion, like a car dealership, whizzing me from car to car, selling me drugs or preceedures the whole time. Not ever really listening to me. Then there was the guy behind the curtain, the great sort of Oz, who had the final say. YOU LIVE OR DIE DEPENDING ON WHAT HE SAYS THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO YOU, DEPENDING ON MY RESOURCES. How much money was there to take before I EXPIRED?? Wierd, but so often true. If indeed I am going to expire this body, why not let it go peacefully and quietly, why all the massive amounts of treatments at the end and worse, the experiments they claim could help in some way. And no, they are not free either. We need a healing system that offers education and one that teaches accountability. You are the healer of your own body, I am the teacher. You live with you and your choices every day and being sick is a choice, whether made in ignorance or subconsciously it is still a choice. My client feared her little girls health yesterday, said maybe she got an allergy or something worse. We checked and she is simply teething in her 6 yr molars and needed some support with Vit. C amd acidophilus until they are in. Not too tough, but a great relief for the mom!! She said she learns something new everytime she visits us and she had been visiting us for over 12 years now. Let's think cooperatively. I will share on the THE HAWC 's facebook page some cool stuff on health every week. This week I said we can immunize homeopathically now and have what you need for each dis-ease. We are ready to answer back with good news now for that issue. Let's work together and stay fit and healthy as a group!!

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