Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How do you want to be treated??

I remember in school as a child feeling sorry for the kid that got in trouble all the time, knowing that their issue was not to cause problems but to simply get some much needed attention. The class clown did the same thing. Teachers would get so tired of the constant pull on their time they became disrespectful and rude. I just hated that. I can understand frustration but not disrespect. I know those kids were lacking in some way and were doing what ever they could think up to get a look or a word even a touch in the form of a hit. We do it with drama, noise, crying wolf, being sick or injured and so forth, all in an effort to just get a LITTLE attention no matter what kind it was. It is so simple to just allow those around to be who and how they are and respect that, although we may not understand it or even like it all. A boy in my 6th grade class had progeria, the aging disease. He looked like an old mishapen man, but he was just 14 yrs old. Full of kid stuff yet. I liked him and he liked me, he wrote me notes and got me into trouble all the time since I would never tell it was him not me. I figured he had enough on his plate. I respected him and his situation. I certainly didn't understand it or like it at all, I thought it was horrible. yet beneath that wrinkly skin was a kid just like me. Somehow I knew that. I honored him in every way I could and for that he loved me. He died after that. I know that lesson taught me alot. Respect and honor are required now if we are to live peacefully and lovingly. I may not understand or like your situation, your words, your choices, but I will respect your right to be who and how you want to be without criticism or fear. You be you and I will be me - the same only different. Now that is something to love and love cures all things and endures all things too. Take a breath and try respect for awhile I think we will be pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Viva la differance'

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