Monday, September 3, 2012

Love Honor and OBEY??

I have heard the beat of the distant drummer my whole life, and that was good and hard at the same time. I love this Earth and her children, but my home is far away from here and I miss that too. I know many now who feel the same way and also those who choose not stay for the whole event and left early. They kind of chickened out cuz this has been challenging, but they knew from another dimension they were better in the offing, literally. So this love thing is the greatest source of energy there is and it works, love what you do and you will never work, love who you are and you will never be alone. The HONOR piece comes with the Namaste' we all say nowadays. That means it's all good. I do not get to have a opinion as to who or how you are - just honor you, period. Some people do not get that and think they should be coaching or criticizing, that is not honoring. Honor means stay out of it and love despite your fears or thoughts about it. Then comes this obey piece. My facebook page has a picture of little girls in ballet class watching the teacher intently, except the one on the end. She is hanging upside down on the ballet bar. That is ME! Really, that did happen and I was dismissed from Mrs.Beauchamps's ballet class forever!!! I think I missed the obey part from the gitgo. I believe it to be an add-on simply taken out of context, used to bully us. If I obey my own calling and hear what my heart says I can obey just fine, no other man or woman has that power over me. OBEY YOURSELF! If you have anxiety you are not listening to YOU let alone obeying yourself!!!! So on this Labor day, labor for yourself and the cultivate the gifts of loving, honoring and obeying YOU!! You were created in perfection and there is no denying that. Begin there. I think is all going to turn out just fine, don't you??

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