Friday, September 28, 2012

Coming into your own now- Heroes everywhere

We have always been taught that there is or will be a Savior. Someone, like a giant hero that will show up and make things right. For sure you know that don't you?? The deal is though, that that hero is you! You are the brave, the strong, the enlightened. There was an attempt to take your power away and we are foiling it. The food we were being served poisoned us, along with the flouride and the amalgams and vaccinations and other drugs. There is a mass awakening now to that plot. The experimentation on our kids is stopping under the influence of caring loving hero like parents. Brave and clear minded. Not those who are bought off or paid to fool you. Then the religious zealots who pit you against other humans in an attempt to use your power as theirs. While behind closed doors again doing unspeakable things to our kids. Finally the corporate hounds who buy up the land like they own it and prevent it from following it's natural course, which is to nourish humanity. Native Americans have taught us that NO MAN OWNS THE LAND OR THE SKY. We are ONE RACE, humans. All together now as a community we can heal ourselves and our kids, and take back our world.. Heroes rising up everywhere, taking on the Bullies and the cheaters and the Doom and gloomers. Glad they finally showed up - how about you?

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