Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Please do not take out your frustrations on me!

I love horses and kids, always did and always will. I watched a documentary called Buck and saw me!! Buck Brannaman has been loving and partnering with horses his whole life, and they and the love they share,saved him from giving in and giving up. Abused as a child he never lost faith. Taken away from the abuser gave him a shot at healing and so his story went from tragic to miraculous! We all have those who abuse us in some way in this life. It is a memory that perpetuates itself and even if it is not real today it seems real. As I went through a healing session yesterday with Kristin Burich an amazing and gifted therapist, I saw the abuse of my father's death and my mother's disappearance clearly, and although it happened 53 years ago I could still feel the fear of the loss and see the scar it left!! Upon her return to my tiny world things only got worse and a lifetime of disagreement, abuse and frustration began. Her way was the only way and she was manic about it. Either fun OR destructive, never balanced, never agreeable, never ever content or peaceful. I saw Buck in the same dilemma, over and over, famous in one minute, bleeding and bruised in the next. I see this for all of us in some way, and the only way to stop it is to say to yourself and those close in - "STOP TAKING YOUR FRUSTRATIONS OUT ON ME. I will love you, pray with you and meditate for a solution, but I WILL NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR FRUSTRATIONS!! YOU MUST OWN YOUR OWN STUFF NOW" Then we can find peace together. It begins within. It is our story and our life and our reality that only we can control. There is no need to project it on anyone. Children and nature and her critters are the INNOCENTS. They deserve our love and protection without fail and that is my legacy. I will use my experiences to change my ways and leave this a safer, healthier, happier world. HOW ABOUT YOU? Buck did that too!! Here's a salute to those who took the lemons in life made LEMONADE!

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