Monday, March 5, 2012

Sick of walking on egg shells????

I see kids do that all the time, walk on egg shells around people they think have a say in their life, teachers, parents, friends. The ones who don't, are the trouble makers. Saying what you think or feel is your right and whether or not anyone listens or cares is not the issue. Being honest is. Honest with your self and what you choose. Letting your choices be known gives others the chance to be a part of your life, their choice. Together choosing together, not forced or coerced. Natural.

I would not go to a doctor that I did not want to emulate. If they are out of balance, fat or sick or nasty to look at or talk to, I would choose another one and say why. Same should go for anyone I hire or desire to spend time with. We need to match, to laugh and to create, not walk on eggs shells, for fear that is created by that feeling ruins forward momentum. It freezes energy. How many relationships do you know right now on hold for fear????

Let go, the joy of being human is what we need to focus on now, it is a great time to be alive and be who you really are, plenty will love you for simply being you. I DO!!!Namaste' Dr. Su

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