Thursday, March 1, 2012

isn't life interesting

twists and turns and pure tom foolery and then there is motivation caused by less and lack and loss. people feel sorry for themselves, then they blame others and take what isn't theirs and make excuses for their behavior. i hear the stories every single day in my work. it isn't my fault, that i am sick or broke or lonely. well, who's fault is it??

i live a life of laughter and love and pure fun almost all the time. i can get on a great white horse and charge off into the world anytime i want to, no bridle or saddle needed. that is freedom and power and love at it's highest level. i share that gift with those who join me at my ranch.

most who see and feel that feeling love it, other's resent it. why her and not me??? we spend so much time thinking about the other person's LUCK or GIFT or ABILITY we stop doing what we can do on our own.

there are stories of glory to tell, when a person grows up and takes responsibility and produces good will - good results abound. until that time especially in these times many will self destruct. stand back, do not get involved with the destructors, they should be left completely alone with their angels and ancestors now, the reckoning will be theirs. pray for GODSPEED for them.

you on the other hand - celebrate the new day and the life on the new earth of health and happiness and love. i am.

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