Wednesday, March 7, 2012

are you ready to be well and fit?

A little one came here, didn't want to play outside, always had a stomach ache and felt worried alot of the time. Her mom was also worried, the little one was only eight years old. I said that her little body was worried too and it didn't feel good or right and it was talking to her. So we changed some stuff. We switched her diet to her blood type style of eating, we cleaned out some old garbage from some vaccinations she had been conned into and then we waited.

Within a few weeks the little one lost 12 pounds and 6 inches off her waist, her smile returned and her energy soared. Up and out the door she went to play again like she had when she was little.

Now here is the interesting part, she became an advocate for her own eating and was convinced that this was the key to her wellness and happiness, but one day someone gave her some Girl Scout cookies and she could not resist, OH Dear, she threw up all those cookies!!!Her smart little body said DO NOT FILL ME WITH THAT UNDIGESTIBLE PRESERVED and ADDED TO JUNK! I will not tolerate that junk food any longer and if you do, we will throw it out and make you feel yucky!

She told her mom, not to ever do that again, only please get her the food that healed and energized her, and that was the end of that story. It reminded me of my own daughter, who when she was the same age of eight when she announced that McDonalds Food gave her a headache and why would I insist on punishing her by feeding her that junk???

That was nearly 22 years ago!! I never took my family there again, I did not know they felt punished by the food I ignorantly offered them. Fat, sad, worried, insecure and skin that looks terrible with eczema and blemishes and the worst part, a fear of starving to death that caused them to eat like there was no tomorrow since the food I had been taught to serve was empty and filled with worthless chemicals and calories. DO NOT put yourself or your kids through that, feed real, whole, organic, simple food and they will flourish on all levels in every way for a very long time.

Kids deserve that, mine did and today they are beautiful strong healthy women who still bring up that McDonalds story to me, I think just to keep me humble. Learn from us. We are good story tellers and teachers, the experiences are real and true and life changing. Namaste'Dr.Su

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