Monday, February 13, 2012

You all have so much POWER

I see power in everything, an ant has amazing power and uses it well all the time.

Humans have so much more power and just give it or throw it away - so much of the time. Some use it negatively to create conflict or drama or pain. There are lots of kinds of power here and much of it is wild and untamed. Nature shows us that and it is awesome,and when it is used productively it wields even more power.

When you spew out your power for relief, it hurts this world and those of us in it who feel it. It is like listening to a screaming child, the power of the noise is off the scale and it pushes others to action and relief of their own.

There is physical power, so handy!! There is mental power and learning and knowing and doing with the mind. There is emotional power - filled with compassion and mercy. There is sexual power - beyond most human's understanding and then there is the power of love, the most dynamic and creative power of all.

True love in full power endures all things and all powers, simply by the virtue in and of itself. It does does not create conflict or retaliate, it is patient and always kind, it hopes and believes without fail and in the end it is the only thing that will be scored. It is rarely taught here and the self love part is taught even less.

In my meditation class I teach how to claim your own power and that it is powerful. Then we clean it up and hold it close till we get the hang of it. Exercising power is necessary and using it for your highest good and highest good of all, the goal. I do that every single day of my life, I begin each day with meditation and open up the flow of my love and the power automatically comes with it. It is my real and true job. I have a power that I know how to use and I am responsible that use. I use it to protect children and nature, they are the innocents, I use it to endorse virtues, like faith and hope and love and mercy, I also use it to create beautiful things, like health and home and relationships with people.

Everyone has the power to do those things and much more, are you using your power in the right and loving way or are you giving it away or throwing it at something or someone with your words or deeds??? It is your free will and choice every moment - the power is yours by right of being alive, or maybe you forgot that.

It is time to re-member that power to yourself and own it and when you are in control and in love with yourself as a human with choices - begin to use it wisely and well.
Remember, when you are "under the influence" in any way, you are giving away your power. That can mean your past or present beliefs or feelings or influence from media or food or drugs or another person. Think about that. This is a wonderful opportunity to know and own and use your power. I love you all.

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