Sunday, February 12, 2012

Meditation class - success as always

I have taught that class many times, each time is the same only different. It is fun to see the lights of the auras of those in the room getting brighter and brighter. That class does that every time I teach it. The people now willing to take responsibility for their lives, their health, their relationships and their place in this world are starting to come out of the woodwork. I am so glad to be here for this.

Over twenty years ago I was awakened in the night by two visitors who told me I had asked them to come at that time and wake me UP! Oh my. That was 1988. I had had my thirty years of doing whatever I wanted to and now I had to get to it. I call it "coming in from out in the desert time". Most humans get the whole forty, I have always been on the fast track, hence the thirty.

Since then I have been a part of the Awakening and this job is fun. I have known since Kindergarten that that would be my favorite work, it was then being the wake up fairy and it is still now, being the wake up SUSIE. For those of you stirring, stop diddling around and just wake up - smell the coffee, no time the like PRESENT.

Come on now, this is what you came for, get to it. Using the meditation technique to see the big picture is so helpful, congrats to all who added that skill to their life, use it well, it will change your life forever. Welcome to the Awakening. For those of you ready to play with the Big Dogs tell us and we'll set you up with a meditation class and you too can be in on the Awakening. Namaste' Dr. Su

1 comment:

KellyRose said...

Thank you Dr. Su for the meditation class. I was glad to be part of it. It was fun and enlightening. Thanks for giving me a start to better things.