Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Watch and see the new world coming your way

If we will simply lift our eyes to the horizon, we will see the new world coming in fast. The Universe is opening it's arms to us, we were off on our own for a long long time and now that we have decided to be awake they want us to play with them too.

They are here now, walking among you, the ancestors and the angels and the others. I can not tell you how I often I see the eyes of a very old person in the eyes of a child. Souls are returning here now for an amazing event and knowing you have stayed for that event should inspire you to look up.

We were never alone, it just felt like it. Ask your guardian to make themself known to you and be brave and accept the help. It is not just for the few, it is for all of us. I have Annie, and she does so much for me,she even gets me good parking spots when I ask. I love the fact that I have entertained angels unaware just like the BIBLE said I would and KNOW now that I entertain them is complete awareness. That is quantum.

To those out there sad or lost or sick or even dying, your guardian is there for you, say hi, say please, just say something

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