Saturday, February 18, 2012

What are we worth????

I have spent much of this lifetime working on the issue of worth. It comes in many flavors. Self, money, relationships, family ties, ownership, all issues of "is it worth it or not?".

Some people think I have too much to take care of, with the farm and all. It is so worth it to me. I love feeding the chickens and horses and the dogs and the cats every day. The value of having them close to me is immeasurable. It is SO worth it.

Finding worthiness in people is more difficult. I see daily in my work those who have lost their value in their own eyes, and they are dying. Giving in to worthlessness is the way we die here, slowly or abruptly. It comes with the territory.

Many people think their worth is measured by their involvement with others, that is not true, that is the measure of your feelings you have for the worth of another, not the worth of your self. Some believe that if they give enough someone will notice and give it all back thereby increasing your feelings of worth. That has no real worth either. Giving should be for the gift of it only, waiting for it to be returned will never end.

Say to yourself I AM Worthy, and start to believe it, you are!! I AM TOO.

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