Thursday, February 9, 2012


Many years ago I was gifted with a manual and a one on one class on meditation, I was then told to practice it and share it with whomever asked. I have and I do. This year I have already been asked twice and my second group gets together on Saturday for their instructions.

Meditation changed my life forever. Learning to be still and listen was a challenge for me. When I began using my new skill I was told to set aside about twenty minutes each day for the process and I remember thinking that to be IMPOSSIBLE. I was married with little girls and a job and there was never, I mean never one extra minute in my day. BUT I asked and was told and I allowed it into my space. Here's what happened next.

That very next morning at 4 AM I was awoken by something new. I believe my guardian Annie had something to do with this. I didn't want it to be 4AM, that was when I slept!!! But there was no going back to sleep even though I tried real hard. So I allowed myself to get up and go into the other room and begin my meditation time. WHAT THE HEC I WAS UP ANYWAY.

The next thing I knew it was 6AM and everyone was getting up, wow, where had I been and how did the time slip by me?? I said to myself, OK, I can do this on one condition, that I never be tired from this early rising thing. AND I never have been. That gift of the 4AM meditation process changed my life forever. After each
session I would write a page in my book and then begin the human part of my day. Sometimes I would not read those pages for weeks or even months but when I did the information that I had noted was amazing.

Here's the deal whatever it takes you will only add to your life and knowing and peace when you learn to listen to you and yours. Pray once, ask once, then listen and watch for the response, it always comes. Take notes, going back and rereading my thousands of pages of notes is one of my greatest pleasures. It confirms to me that we are loved and guided and if we allow it it will come easily and make an enormous
difference in your life.

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