Thursday, February 16, 2012

Good news is there is nothing now but good news.

As we wake up and shift to a higher light and clearer vision of life here it is all good news to those listening. You are in charge and able and many now are here to help and make life simple and easier. It is such good news.

I see every day those who want to learn a way of life the promotes health and energy and the beauty that comes with that. There is within nature a structure so remarkable and beautiful and organized and free, that those embracing it now are thrilled. We spent a long time following the lead of others and buying into their stuff. Many now are too broke to buy any more and stuff is what you are made of not something you buy from someone else.

I love this planet and those who are here to play well for now.They are who I spend my time with. It is right to celebrate those friends and those times. The rest who continue to suffer are going to need to go it alone, that choice is no longer an option for me or anyone I want to hang out with. I have heard the stories of woe and have spoken them too, enough now, for you and I are the words that you speak. Speak of love and beauty and inspiration and HOPE. Then you will become those things instead the other stuff.

Saturday I will be in St. Croix Falls at the local health food store sharing my vision of hope with those who want a vision of their own. Join us. It will be a celebration. Every town needs it's own resource for health and wellness and community, see how Susan does it in her town and we will help you create one in your town too.

Here's to celebrating life for it is what YOU make of it. Namaste' Dr. Su

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