Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hiding out in the open

There are so many now being exposed, that politician from New York busted and glad it happened to him, since he has screwed so many people so many times. He knows he deserves this and is ok with it happening now. I think there is the fear that IF I DO NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY NOW - WHEN ???? The when is now and the accountability is now too.

Believing the sales pitch of others is not what we need, we need to pitch ourselves. Pitch in with your own desires and those you truly care for. Let the rest fall away now. You are the best person to be you, loving and living the dream daily, not hiding but exposing all of who you are in your glory.

Allow it to hang out on you and with you, the true you, believe it or not someone will love you that way, the fake, the hidden, the secret parts all exposed and in the open, all to see now. You are here for the new age and enjoy!! We see you.

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