Wednesday, July 20, 2016

would you stay without me?

That is the question asked when one partner is getting ready to depart? Can you carry on? Will you find new love and passion? That is the million dollar question. After my dad died, my mom tried suicide. She told me that story, of going into the ocean and asking the water and waves to relieve her of her human being human status. The Creator and her higher self, said NO, it won't do you any better, you will simply return again to work it out. So she got out of the sea and came home. I do not know if it was better or not, since she always seemed tormented. Yet, the question was answered, I will stay without you and try to carry on. I have stayed too. This world is where I live, not where I am from. I came here long ago and kept staying. I know those who have not remembered their contract or their past lives, may find this puzzling but many of us stayed for NOW! You are entering the golden age, promised and now being delivered. These last few conflicts will be in the history books soon, and peace and equality and sustainable living and loving will be the new order. Good reason to stay!! DON'T YOU AGREE?

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