Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The panther of my childhood

She was always there. I was enchanted with her, and often wished we were one. I felt her for many years, then life happened. I tried to survive with her some where close by, but took different animal connections as my inner circle, my coaches. My wolf was there for a long time, walking in two worlds was my way and the Wolf was my guide. Then came my Buffalo, as I learned of my Native American heritage and all it's connections and DNA supports for me. Of course, the horse came and stayed. As did the Hawk of my dreams and my life. Last night in my dream the Panther returned to me. She first attached fully to my child, then the male aspect of me, who tried to shoot it until I said no!! Finally, the feminine part of me said, SHE IS RETURNED AND WILL REMAIN WITH US NOW. We are all parts of the whole, different aspects appear as needed in our growth and our communion with one another and nature. Enjoy yours as much as I do mine. If you need to know yours, come for a visit to the ranch and we will introduce you to those totems longing to talk to you. All of this world is a gift, and knowing how to use it is the key to sweet and long and very fruitful life!

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