Sunday, July 3, 2016

What is your SHARE?

I went to an AA meeting with an old friend once, and each person there got to share. I listened intently, reading auras and hearing/hereing truths. Their share was uniquely theirs to share with others interested in receiving that share. EVERYONE HAS A SHARE. Some invite or allow others to have a piece/peace of it, which is what gives the share it's power and it's gift. I share well, I always have. I share health data as a career, I share nature as my passion through my horses and other outdoor activities, but my best share is my presence and warmth and my willingness to SHARE. I love to share my friends, my family and my love for them as individuals and then, I love to introduce them to one another, so they can share in that share too. Find something you love, and share it now. It is the best gift you can offer, and it's free! SHARE AWAY THE DAY AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!

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