Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Alignment makes sense/cents

Out of alignment is painful. It makes us nothing but distracted and distorted. Without focus, there can be no sense/cents. I know how humans struggle with alignment. It employs a bunch of chiropractors. Is it my parent's alignment I should align to, or culture's alignment, or should I break in a whole different system for me? I have watched the alignment of others as a child first to see where and how it fit. I did not want theirs for myself. The church, the school, the healthcare system were the three I could not get into alignment with. The church, well that is a story for another day. School was too boring, too easy and restrictive. I am an outdoors person, a move around the room person. A blood type O, a wiggler, a force of energy. School as gym, art, music and words, OK only. The rest I could have done something differently. Healthcare done to me as a child, hurt more than it helped. The world of drugs and scalpels and needles, not for me. My alignment and it's health providing energy for my body, my life and my vision of whole and healthy, comes from nature. It is all the sounds, sights, colors and textures I need to heal. It is a gift to us to use well. Go out and align with nature today and see the world of self realign. In allow, align and appreciate, you will heal. I did.

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