Monday, July 25, 2016

Who cuts your hair?

Your hair is your protection, your attraction, your sensuality, and your crown! It is dictated to hormonally and stress matters. It needs strong adrenals to support a strong thyroid, who is the boss of your skin and hair to hold on tightly. It wraps your skull and it's electricity in beauty and warmth. It flows with your words and songs and laughter. It is like the whiskers of a dog, using them to sniff the wind and decide. Windtalkers in the war could not do their magic when their hair was cut. Stop poisoning it with chemicals and stress. Let it be who you are, white or red, long or short, curly or braided, it is a giant expression of YOU. I have cut my hair since I was 15. I knew as kid that there were ways to be, and allowing someone not filled with great magic and great intention was not going to happen. Each part of the human has great potential and energy. I teach it all, so that you can capitalize on what comes NATURALLY. Hair today, gone tomorrow.

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