Saturday, July 16, 2016

My Dakota name is CLOUD, so today I will be a CLOUD.

As I reviewed the census form from 1872, looking at my Great-grandfather's name William Culbertson, my eye's/I's were instead drawn to his mother's name, Mock-pe-eah, Cloud. She decided she would get my attention today, not William. She was born in 1857 in Minnesota, a Dakota child. I was born in 1957in Wisconsin, a Dakota child. She was taken away to a boarding school after her father's neck was broken being hung for crimes committed during the Dakota uprising in 1862 on the 26th of December. My father's neck was broken the 26th day of December in 1959. She wanted me to know me better by me knowing her, as I am her again, in this lifetime, through the connection and the DNA. So I sat silently and allowed that DNA a voice. We are all connected in so many ways to so many answers from our ancestors. We can channel knowledge from a huge variety of sources. My source of choice today is CLOUD, because in terms of my human being human now, it is the one that I relate most to and behave the most like. Our lineage is opening lines of communication now. My world, is quickly becoming yours too. Open to receive, because you have believed. It is a time of great knowing and sharing. I honor you, as the 9 who guide and guard us, and the Creator have honored me. Namaste' Community is building fast as you remember, adding hands to arms and feet to legs, as Christ taught in communion, remember me when you do this! Neato huh???

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