Wednesday, July 6, 2016


what are the terms of your agreements? I have had several. I am patient, optimistic and encouraging as terms of working or living with me. I am quick, bright and all seeing too. Those terms are mine and I use them as I see what needs to be done. I am generally a light-hearted character. I believe in good and honest terms involving time and effort. When terms are not to my way of thinking I consider all perspectives, then I decide what to do next. It is like a loan or a credit card company, you decide if it is worth it or not. I see worth in a lot of what or who offers fruit. I also see that termination is also valid in some cases and that should be swift. It is like putting an animal down, if you know it needs termination, however sad, you do what needs to be done. I expect to terminate things now that offers nothing or less. It is house cleaning time, and Thomas is here to help. Open your cupboards, closets and let the secrets come into the light. That applies to health, happiness and yes, work too. If you have a secret prepare for it to terminate in the light of the dawn of the new age. Old friends are coming forward to offer a vision only they saw, and now we will all see. It is like gambling, I said hurry and play because soon it will not exist any more as the new kids beat the old systems. Welcome, new kids, old relatives, thanks for joining us in the shift! Let's get this cleaned up and out, and then joyfully get ON with it.

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