Sunday, October 14, 2012

There is strength in numbers!

Where two or three or more are gathered in my name, there I am also. It is true. I see the light brighten as those of like focus put their energy together and believe with all their heart in a change and use the faith, hope and love part of their being to get the job done. We are energetic beings, our breath is a part of that. It comes out in words which have frequencies and colors. Learn your colors and use your words to affirm and you will create with intention. Only you can change your reality by changing your breath and your words. I say I am perfect when asked how I AM, reminding the airspace around me to keep me that way, healthy, happy and loving every minute of it. It is the gift you have and need to learn to use! Add in with others in love with your beautiful words and BAM! Exponential growth of the same set of words. It is why we go into church buildings and there is a spire on the top. We that take the wishes and dreams spoken into the room where many gathered and shoot it up through the spire to heaven. Did you know that?? Inspiration is to hear the beautiful words from God's mouth to me and we have a way of sending ours back up to heaven - and remember there is strength and added power in numbers!

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