Friday, October 12, 2012

The air that surrounds you - you create it

I see what happens to the air that surrounds someone when they are happy and when they are not. You color your aura with your words and projections. Words are the colorant. Light words- like fun and laughter- brighten your field and then that seeps into our air here. Dark words filled with negativity do the same thing. The old addage of "if you don't have something nice to say then do not say anything at all" is really necessary for us to clean up this place. You get stuck in the mire of your own air pollution. It is sticky and murky and can hold you back or down. I am always entertained by what people think they are getting away with, you get your own words- they create YOUR reality!! Healthy, happy, successful people speak in those colors and use those words consistently. No drama is needed to state your case. Be truthful, direct and positive. Say what you want to have happen. No blame or excuses are needed. Failure is not an option here, this is free, and with focus you can do this too. I hope to see light surrounding everyone and words being spoken that encourage our growth and happiness. YOU ARE THE BOSS OF YOU! Be the best boss you ever had, I am.

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