Monday, October 1, 2012

Jamming a square peg into a round hole

That is what life can feel like for us sometimes. Making something fit or work when it simply doesn't. I give parents the Natal chart of their kids when they have their first appointment with me to help to prevent that from happening. I know that there are many out there who wished we would have done that for them when they were young. Families trying to make you fit into their idea of what YOU should be or do. Sometimes it truly becomes abusive, for the fear in the failure of self is projected on to the kids and there is where the remake begins. My mother was never truly herself or happy until she became the missionary she had always wanted to be. It took her 50 years to get there but she did it and that was when she was the nicest and easiest to know. My girls loved her, for that was who she was to them. Her fears and failures were put on me in childhood as I was the oldest daughter and she really thought I should fulfill her dreams. I could not, nor would not ever! Yet everyday I realize in many way I did anyway. Service to others was her gig and it is mine too. So there MOM, check that out and be proud. I AM. Let the jamming and remaking stop now. Tell yourself and your kids no matter how or what they become it is ALL GOOD and improving. I am still healing the bruises from long ago but everyday I get better and better. Be authentically YOU, and all will fall into place! Forgive and forget and move on, it is the only way to heal.

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