Thursday, October 4, 2012

Liver flush magic!

As we proceed into our futures here, doing it with clear eyes, good energy and a positive attitude are keys to a brighter future for us all. The flush softens and clears the debris in our liver/gallbladder. The resentments of our life are stored in those stored jewels, emerald green and all different sizes. The longer they are stored,as resentments or frustrations, the larger the stones. I have seen them released as large as a golf ball. Think of the freedom of your flowing digestion with those big blockages out of the way! My colon therapist, Kristin Burich assists in further clearing the pipes by using healing touch to help with the emotional release as a clearing the colon with a fresh water colonic. Softened by the process, the are like jello. As many as 700 stones have been counted in the release by a client of mine. Restored her health to a new level and she was never the same again. I will say to have a therapist assisting with this process is prudent, simply to answer questions and cheer you on as this can be a long process for some of us. There are books on the subject too. Happy liver flush! Happy human!

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