Thursday, November 17, 2011

Re - acting the emotions of childhood

Do you act or re-act? It is something to consider now as we move into the age of responsibility. Looking at the issues that recur in your life often lead us back to our childhoods. Being told that you were worthless or stupid or fat or in the way or talk too much or ignored, can be an unending tape on the emotional level when we are reacting to stress.

I have heard adults raise their voice, say unspeakable things, criticize and generally lay out the same words they heard as a kid and repeat them now as a reaction to things as opposed to taking action which is being constructive.

It is our responsibility to hear ourselves talk. Always speak the way you would like to be spoken to, if you slip up and curse or criticize or over react then make amends by apologizing and promising to try to never do that again. The words hanging in the air are the words that cling to you and the recipient like a cloak and create an energy that attracts more of the same. The Universe hears and echoes every single solitary word you speak - choose responsibly and with love and light. I will try to do that all of the time too!! Dr. Su

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