Friday, November 18, 2011

Know your choices are always more then you think

A knowing is a feeling deep inside. It comes in the quiet of the pause. You know when you know for sure, but how about when you do not. You do not because you are in a hurry and listening to others and not yourself. The frontal lobe of your brain where your thinker is is only 5-9% of the whole thing. It is ruled by ego, emotion and intellect(what you have learned in this lifetime). You KNOW everything, you have access to amazing knowledge, it is in the air, in the world and in you. Be still for a minute, be con-sid-er-ate and consider things before you choose and make your choice known.

Ask if you want to, but before you decide listen to your knowing, it is your truth. I know for sure all is well and improving, I know I am loved and I know that my work here has truly just begun, how's that for knowing something???? I bet if you give it a minute, you'll know those same things too.

Namaste' Dr. SU

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