Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holiday hope

It is like going to the casino, hope is every where. People get revved up when they feel the hope of the season or the unexpected. We are programmed to see it on the outer parts and forget the hope of this world is with in us. You are that hope for another, you just FORGOT.

I love to hope and dream, I spend a fair amount of time in that mode. My journals are full of wishes and wants and hopes and dreams, my life is the manifestation of those very specific perspectives. As soon as I get my head around something I can attract it into my life. It has to inspire me though. If it doesn't I let it move on and away, very very quickly. I have done that in my jobs and in my relationships too.

When I cease to feel the inspiration of a choice I have made it quenches the hopeful growth I am used to. Animals never disappoint me, nature never does either. As long as I have a fair amount of time with both I stay pretty upright, when I get into drama or feelings of conflict or the lamentations of less or loss, I have to step back.

There are just things that are said and done that do not promote hope and love. It does not take money or much effort really to speak of good things in a loving way. I know that if someone complains, for that time there is no hope for them. I spent a lot of time and energy trying to cheer people up and offer encouragment, I hope I do a good job. Hope is the backbone of recovery, health and financial to name a couple of things requiring hope to create the change. Being accountable is the other part. Being reliable and worthy of good things, doing what you say you will and being there cheerfully are great places to start, even when you feel hopelessly lost or broke.

This is the season of hope, see it in the air, feel the inspiration, do something extraordinary for someone who has no hope left. I have decided that that is what I will do too. Sitting here alone is no option, being in the world and helping restore the hope is the only way for me now. Thanks for listening, Dr. Su

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