Sunday, November 13, 2011

One - ness

In our circle of life and friend and family the law of one usually applies. All together working for the highest possible potential with consideration and respect to each individual in the group. Sometimes agreeing to disagree but always giving consideration for all.

I have seen it work well and I have seen it out of whack. In my own life I try to consider all but sometimes lose sight. I will over and under compensate. Now is the time to find that balance we all crave. Opening to the Law of One, making sure that needs of those around you are met just as yours are is key. Letting go of subordination and domination are also key. I know women who have given up their own dreams to keep a guy and guys who say, I'll do it and if you ask about it you're in my way. You do you and I'll do me. Well I know for me that isn't going to be my future. My partner will care as much about me as he does about himself. Considering me lovingly in every decision putting noone above us in our partnership.

I have lived with the guy whose work was number one, then I met the guy whose secret life was his best thing and then I met someone whose adult kids were more important than us together. I give up on trying to change anyone or waiting to be included. Today I will be the best partner ever. Consideration, respect and joy will accompany me where ever I go and who ever I am with. I will include everyone, I always do that anyway. I will share my succes, I do that too. I will not stand by the side and wait any longer, I have done that way way too long. We all have value - partnering with ourself in Oneness first, in love and honor is a good start. Then you can send those feelings into our world. To love, honor and respect each other is partnering in the love of the ONE.

Here's to a new day - taking care of one another tenderly, treating each one with great respect, lowering our voices and raising the bar of understanding and willingness. I will do my very best, how about you?? Dr. SU

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