Monday, November 14, 2011

Not included?? Left out again??

I reread my own blogs. Often to learn something about myself. I write them from my heart not my head and as I look back at myself and that expression of me I see so much truth.

My whole life I felt odd, left out. I just didn't fit in with the rest of the people. I tried and tried. I did what they did, it made me sick. I talked like them, it made me sicker. I wanted to believe them and when I did I got cheated. A builder, a lawyer, a fence maker and on and on it went. I just wanted to be in a family, a group, a place where I would be accepted no matter how weird I got. So I had to look at that. Where do we fit and who do we fit with??? First we must learn to fit with ourselves. Then we will attract others that fit in with us and us with them. You will be included only after you include all of yourself!!

Five things to enhance your inclusion of self today - clean water in your body!! Food that matches your body, I am an O blood type that means protein and vegetables and fruit for me, along with nuts and oatmeal. Fresh clean air in my lungs. Exercising that I love, today I teach yoga!! Last but not least a way of handling stress that is easy for me, friends, wine, laughing,music, and animals are choices that are good for me. That is how I start including myself in my life. The others will show up when they can. No more waiting to be invited, I will invite myself to be here and you are invited too!!

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