Thursday, May 28, 2020

WHO are we, us, them, you, me????

Hybrids, GMOs, Aliens, Angels, Ancestors returned for this time. It is a mixed group here on Earth. AND nice is not the first choice. You are being called out, and called up. The light is where you will see and be clearly understood and recognized. It is time to KNOW NO. The knowledge of loss, less, separation, lack, enslavement and on it goes, is being broadcast. Trust only yourself, and your intuitive loving heart and the ONE who guards and guides you. Be heart felt with every response. YOU can hold the LIGHT, just by right of being alive. STAND in that LIGHT, and say to anyone you need to, TELL ME WHO YOU ARE! Decide and be accountable for who and how you stay alive here on the planet every day. OR go with Elon to the STARS!!! Both choices being broadcast now.

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