Thursday, May 21, 2020

May 21st 4 months to shine

In this season of losses, people are struggling. They have shared feelings of helpless and hopeless. That is NON-SENSE. No sense to this reality for those of us who know love and light. We came to Earth to be educated and challenged. When a challenge was met and overcome, you were to share the glory of the story with those who would listen. It is the oral ability of teaching and creating that the spoken word were given to us to use. Telepathic communication is not like that. It is intuitive and subtle. It is not the creative energy of the voice and the dream all in one wave. When you speak in the negative, that is where you reside. When you speak or sing or rhyme in the positive that is where you shine. Alone or together, start encouraging, with words of power. I like LOVE, LIVELY, LAUGHTER, and HOPE and HEALTHY. I live with the abundance of care, because I believe in SHARE. If you can share good, positive, caring words, DO IT. If not, stay home and be quiet until it passes. YOU must listen to YOU for awhile. You are the power and the source of YOUR reality, no jail can hold your spirit. GET SPIRITED!! Megan did yesterday and couldn't even stay on the horse that showed her that image. SO they simply walked together side by side, and that is the beginning of a good start. See you in the barn!!

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