Monday, May 4, 2020

S E E ? ? ?

The distants/distance is calling you out. To see the boundaries of your S E E/S E A expanding past your phone, your steering wheel, your tele-vision, or your monitor. In the distance/distants you will begin to see a keen view of what had been kept from your sight. His-story taught, skipping the her-story part. Not accurate in many ways. Rewritten by scriptors who want you to see only what they show you and no-thing else. To look up and far will clean up the dross. Your eyes will develop a keen vision, like a raptor. You will become able to be flexible in the sight that you are exercising. Up close or in the distants, clear and decipherable by your brain, filtered by your kidneys and your liver. Look up!! Look OUT!! Look within!! Stop looking at what they want you to look at and go outside and see something fresh and interesting. Nature will nuture your sight, take off your glasses, your binders, your brims and see what I see. Health, happiness and horses, every day of my life. YOU all deserve this!!

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