Saturday, May 30, 2020


You all have a limbic system. It is a sensory net that surrounds every living thing. It is yours to learn about and use/you's for your protection, safety and gracefully co-existing. In dis-grace, all harmony is lost and chaos creates cancer and all dis-ease. The state of grace is divine design and for all to access. It takes the knowing of who you are, and what is your NATURAL way of expressing that WHO-ness. Bloodlines are being GMO'd by injection, air pollution, and toxic food, and people are confused. In confusion fear rules. Programming fear is a daily feed on the phone or TV you hook up to. One day one way, then like the chaos of the whirling cyclone, one way different the next day. It is a brilliant scheme to control the souls of earth. Media does it, banking and the stock market too. Religion has a big hand in this as do politicians. NO INSURANCE is available or needed, it is free!! The scanning being done to see the heat of the human in the pandemic arena, is also showing much more. YOU are a scanner. Develop that skill, it is a necessary tool for clearing this chaos. KNOW who you are and WHO you can trust. Ask your inner scanner to show you the truth, in pictures you can see, with sounds you and YOUR DOG can here/hear, and in a language YOU can understand. I speak many languages, as I move through this world gracefully. It a skill and a tool I use all the time, along with my scanner. Be at peace, be as graceful as you can, and we will all come through this together in love and light, it is time to heal this world. NO MORE CANCER!!! No more chaos. BE well. It is a choice.

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