Saturday, May 9, 2020

Can you follow a recipe for success?

I am asked about the recipe for my success in the health arena. I was miserably sick in the 80's and went to the alternative world for a recipe I could follow and enjoy. It benefited me so many ways. It was understandable, nourishing, educational and just radical enough to keep me interested. Any recipe must fit the cook. The type and the ability to follow the instructions, joyfully. A new recipe needs some scrutiny and lots of practice. I went into the practice of alternative health, becoming a Nationally Board CertifiedNaturopathic Physician. I have 30 years in the recipe I use to keep my health and happiness in balance. The recipe I use is long, it has many deviations, but the outcome is always the same. I work best with lots of alternatives! What is your recipe for success? Is there room for more ingredients, or substitutions. When you are looking for a new combination, find top notch cook, one who lives, loves and serves up their own recipe for success! Next?

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