Friday, May 29, 2020

Standing up to...

You all have someone or something you want to stand up to. You also have someone or something to stand up for. In learning that my power was mine, and mine alone to use, for MY standing up, I found it gave me a clear vision of who and how I was to be on Earth. Sunka Wakan, Horse Medicine, then gave me a larger capacity to be energized and also project energy, for the standing up I would do. The four leggeds are my friends, and they have given me a great reason to stand up for them and us and the children of the planet. So to all... in the circumstance of so much loss and pain in MPLS/STPL Minnesota, find your footing first. Then stand up! There are many ways to help heal this wounded place and her wounded citizens. Help is needed, peace will only be achieved by being a peacemaker. The most powerful warrior of all is filled with the desire for PEACE and demands accountability. Today I stand in the light as a warrior, I bring to field my Sunka Wakan, and I pray for peace in a very LOUD and Demanding way, I will accept nothing less now. Full disclosure, total truth, and accountability to that darkness that has held us down and tried to break our spirits. YOU too!

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