Thursday, May 14, 2020

Stair case to Heaven Silbury Hill England

In 1999 I was there with my "GIRLS" for the final solar eclipse of the millennium. It was life changing. Some took it home as their message called them to the stars, others stayed with a new view of what earth life was about. My message was the message of health, happiness and horses. I came to that offering very quickly and spent the past 20 years delivering that gift. When I returned, I bought a hill here, and then I put some horses on it, building a building and a business. I spent most of the income in outpouring. I wanted kids and the kids within the adult bodies, especially those with a need, to be able to come here and be with me and my horses. Needs were met, health issues, money issues, attitude issues, addiction issues, ethnicity issues, law issues, and on and on the list of those who needed this place, were included. We are a Medicine Wheel offering the four directions call to unity. I have called out to those willing to listen for these 20 years. It is now time, to listen. Tell us what you need, and we will do our best to offer what you desire. Stairway to heaven on earth! Nice way to live, love and laugh with those who love health, happiness and horses. See you on the HILL, at Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson, Wis. Thanks for all your interest, Dr. Su/Sioux

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