Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Grave days have passed...

I went to my Father's grave yesterday along with my sister to plant flowers and a feather and a stone. His grave stone has been 60 years there in the grass. I spent decades trying to find him above ground. I looked into the eyes of others to see if he was there. He was not. So I looked into the roots of my I's. AND there he was all along. He always had been, in my heart, in my DNA, he was my size, shared my eyes and smile, and he had the playfulness I inherited. He waited for me to stop and just be - US. So many families are dis-jointed, some are even disconnected or may have never even met. Loss rules the reality as the lack of roots causes instability. As children we are rooted in the first 9 years by our mother, the next 9 by our father, and the 9 that are from age 18-27 create that 3rd root, your spine, your tail, your kundalini energy, then it is sent deep into the earth to give you purpose, life, and stability. Today, see the three roots of you and get grounded. If your parents were not there, look up to sky, the ancestors, all of them are watching and hearing/hereing the love of YOU. Be loved, rooted, and our world will give you all you need for now, no more grave days, I only see grace days ahead.

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