Monday, May 25, 2020

Behind the scene/seen........

The Wizard was behind the curtain. The soul of an angel can hidden in the body of those who seem meek, or disadvantaged. I believe that all is seen/scene. You must just allow the picture to form. It is in your perception that it comes to you first. Let it be YOURS, not someone else's. Some are enchanted by beauty, or wealth, or youth. Others by authority. I learned it was important to be seen/scene, and then see the scene/seen before I formed my perception. Kids and animals see me clearly. I got a lot of IN - SIGHT/SITE from that knowingness. Today, look at the unseen/scene, by closing your eyes and allowing the truth to show the form, by looking beneath the costume covering the one in front of you. The ONE before you could be the ONE you were looking for all along. IN the light, all will be revealed. I am looking forward to the day, where every one here IS SEEN/SCENE and accepted for WHO they are. Time to be clear and see that we are all in this together.

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