Sunday, May 10, 2020

So many ways to define MOTHER

In honor of the Mother in all of us, as you move to reflect and celebrate this day, define that part which makes you smile. My Mother gave great birthday parties. My Mother let me ride my horse wherever I wanted to ride for as long as I could. My Mother taught me to swim when I was very young and took us to the water often. My Mother took good care of me if I was injured or ill. My Mother gave me the gift of skiing - when we lived in flat and windy North Dakota!! And took us to ski hills all over America until I was old enough to go on my own at age 18. Thanks Mom! My daughters reflect in their lives - mm mother - she cherished them, played hard with them and they knew she was sincere. So kudos to all the MOTHERS today. Remember you are the pieces/peaces of MOTHER gathered in the energy of you. Celebrate YOU, MOTHER energy, male or female, grand or not so grand yet. Happy Mother's Day to Earth, The MOTHERS'S Mary, and White Buffalo Calf Woman are smiling on us today!!

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