Sunday, May 17, 2020

The hawk or the dove?

Christ's Consciousness came as the DOVE, descending into a human being human, under the influence of water and by CHOICE. It is called baptism. It is for a consenting being who wants to connect with and channel love and light into a human being human! It is a necessary and thoughtful choice. Baptizing anyone not consenting, means someone else takes over the energy access and transfer. Is the parent or god-parent or the preacher the over-lord? At what point do human's take back their rightful power? At what age do you truly consent and take your channel of light back? In the freeze of our current situation, many human beings got a chance to be still and grope around in the dark for a light. In the stillness the DOVE hovers above the head of the being. A spark, a light bulb, a lightening bolt, or a DAWN of awakening being available now. Do you kill the light, the DOVE or do you embody it? It is a good time to ask yourself all of these questions. The return of the Dove to a world who has been hijacked is happening. Peace, communion, transparency are all available now. For some it come with a fever. Warmth cleaning up the dross. In the heat and the light YOU will see me for who and how I am. I will see you too as you begin to warm up to one another. Welcome to the NEW AGE. It took a little longer than expected but by Golly, we made it!!!

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