Saturday, May 23, 2020

Breaking the SOUND barrier

It is not time to be silent. It is time to speak your truth. The comfort level of what you thought was real and forever, has now disappeared. Comfort in the old way has has given way to dis-comfort. Thinking about things you never thought you would need to, has moved into your thoughts. People thought they could retire and do that. People thought someone in the world had their health, their finances, their well-being in order for them to simply trust with it. Turns out they were fooling you. It is up to you. Are you going to say what you think or are you going to stay home and be very quiet? The broadcasts are called programming- FOR A REASON. Do you feel that? Vaccines program the body. If that is your choice, so be it. If not, SO BE THAT TOO! I believe in Divine everything. I always have known that my truth was mine, and it would guide me to where I belong. I speak it, and sing it out loud. Last night, a beautiful group of women did that together, and BROKE the SOUND BARRIERS that silence had held tight for far too long. Get your audience, even if it is in the mirror, and begin now. We need your voice, how ever it presents. Silence is NOT GOLDEN, it is deafening. We want to hear/here all that you have to offer! It is up to us.

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