Sunday, January 9, 2011

Susan's Truth

I would get yelled at when I said something that wasn't agreeable, and the one yelling at me would say "That's Susan's Truth!!". I heard that from more then one person in my life. Especially those close to me. I got yelled at yesterday for telling the truth about my personal choice in partnership and how I was involved. I got my butt chewed and also got more opinions then just that of my confidant. Didn't ask for a public forum, just shared my own experience and WHAM, I got told that my truth was bad, wrong, hurtful and just not necessary.

That being said and looking back on my life, I know that that happened to me a lot. I was a peeper. I would say what noone else would. I remember my little sister begging me to stay quiet because she knew I would get a beating if I didn't keep my mouth shut. She said once, "Why must you always do that?". I thought about that today and realized that is my greatest gift. Speaking up and offering my truth.

I know that your truth may be alternate to mine, and I LOVE THAT. I love to hear other's truths too. Everyone has their own-story. Not history or herstory, but Ownstory. Allowing these stories to be spoken into the world offers choices and perspectives and alternatives and isn't that what we are all about?

Crimes are committed when stories aren't told, secrets are kept and pain is locked inside. Injury and illness manifest in those painful secret places. I had a client who because of an affair and it's secret position in the mind and body got cancer. It was a crisis. I see auras and spoke the truth about the choices as I could see them in the body. This person then used my truth to share that truth. It was brought into the light and released in love and forgiveness with honest and caring compassion. Then the cancer didn't need to be there any longer. That was many years ago and it is still true.

I do not nor can I make my truth yours. I can though, fearlessly share it with you to keep things in the light. If my truth hurts your feelings, then it is those feelings that should be examined. Gay people have tried to share their truth in many different ways, some of us accept their truth with love, others condemn or criticize it. Those responses come from within and really have nothing to do with the truth teller.

If you are happy and healthy and love your truth - bravo. If your truth makes you scared or sick or worried then find a lightworker and get some light on it, without the judgement part. Grace and mercy are free to those who embrace it. Light is the gift that the Son/Sun brings. I love that. You are all perfect underneath, healthy and happy and always loved, that really is the truth, sometimes it is hard to get there. I find it in nature, in music, in my work and with my family. I also go to Woodland Hills Church and am inspired, that helps me too. Truth is we all need each other, without judgement, to love and support us. I hope you get that truth from me everyday!! Namaste' Dr. Su

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