Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Did you grab it as you ran by?

Night before last I woke up and was conscious just before 1:11 am then again noted the time at 11:11 am but the most remarkable timing was a call from an author I want to work with on Susan's Truth, which occurred at 1:11 pm. Now I know God's math is perfect and that I can access it with great potential if I acknowledge and embrace it. So I did, in a big way. I hope you did too.

New beginnings are popping up everywhere. New relatonships with each other, in our careers, with our families, the old lack of freedom seems to be melting like the witch in the Wizard of Oz with the flow of life and a splash of cold water

So watch now for the new coming your way. See it in stuff you haven't seen before and also see it in the old stuff. New and better, more peaceful, less opinionated seem to be a big part of the new order. This is the Millenium of Peace and we need to get the party started. It is us, those who embrace the light and leave the dark behind that will open the portal. We are all citizens of this wild world and also citizens of the Universe and we need to take responsibility and act like we care, not just about ourselves and our pocketbooks, but about each other and the world we create and take care of.

So in honor of the math, let today be a fresh start for us all. Speak super kind words to everyone, especially those you want to holler at. Look into each other's eyes when you talk to them, are they present? Are you? Do you want to be there, or with them? If you don't, don't do any one any favors by hanging on, LET GO and let the light show you the way to the new and improved beginning for YOU!!

My Angel of the Day, is Micah, who administers the Divine Plan. Maybe mine got a rewrite and an update, I look forward to it's unfolding!! Enjoy!! Dr. Su

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